Dataloft Briefing notes 7: Moving renters – How long do renters stay in their homes?


Dataloft Briefing notes | Addressing topical issues in UK rental markets

To explore the question of how long renters typically spend in a rented home, we analysed renters within the DRMA dataset who moved in 2020/21 and had previously rented in the private rented sector - ‘moving renters’.  We were able to analyse how long they had lived at their previous address and to look for any variations across locations or age brackets. 

A pdf of this report is available to download here

2021 Dataloft Briefing Notes 7_rental duration FLAT.png

2021 Dataloft Briefing Notes 7_rental duration FLAT2.png

Briefing notes in this series

Issue 1: Short term loss of rental income – how vulnerable are UK cities?
Issue 2: Short term fall in earnings – how vulnerable are UK rental markets?
Issue 3: Short term loss of overseas students – how vulnerable are UK rental markets?
Issue 4: Open market rental values – what happened to values in London at the height of lockdown?
Issue 5: Vulnerable employment sectors – which residential rental markets are most exposed to an increase in unemployment?
Issue 6: Single family housing – exploring the opportunity in UK rental markets.
Issue 7: Moving renters – how long do renters stay in their homes?
Issue 8: Community – How important is community to renters?