Design matters: The value of good design in BTR
Data and trend analysis
Social media content
UKAA Webinar discussion
The Accouter Group is a British design collective with a portfolio of international award-winning luxury interior brands. AGC BTR provides a furnishing and design solution for the Build to Rent sector.
The report was commissioned as part of the client’s strategy to raise their profile in the BTR sector and set out to provide empirical evidence of the value of good design.
We undertook extensive desk research to identify published studies on the value of design, as well as interrogating our own Dataloft Rental Market Analytics (DRMA), the UK’s largest source of achieved rents, to calculate bespoke stats for the report. Key findings included a potential three-year recovery period for ROI on quality furnishings and a price premium of 10% for furnished homes.
The report found evidence that good design commands a price premium in residential markets, enhances both wellbeing and ROI and can result in faster lettings and reduced void periods.
The client used the research findings for PR content in digital channels, including BTR News. The report also featured extensively in social media and will be the subject of a UKAA webinar.
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